Create New Lead
Authenticate with API key
Best Movers authenticates your API requests using your account’s secret API key
You can use the superadmin account in CRM Dashboard to reveal, revoke, and create secret API key
All you need to create the new lead is just to send a post request to the API endpoint with the next params:
- secretKey - required
- name - text field, customer fullname, default - John Dou
- phone - text field, default 111111
- email - text field, [email protected]
- typeOfMove - text field, default Local (Local, Long Distance, Storage Move In, Storage Move Out, Hourly)
- source - text field, default search in the database latest added source (Google, Yelp, Friends, etc)
- websiteSource - (optinal) in the CRM is displayed as a subsource, but initially it must be created in CRM in the section Lead Provider
- fromAddress - text field separated by comma (street, city, state, zip), example - 137 S 6th St, Hot Springs, SD 57747, US (137 S 6th St - street, Hot Springs - city, SD - state, 57747 - zip)
- toAddress - text field separated by comma (street, city, state, zip), example - 137 S 6th St, Hot Springs, SD 57747, US (137 S 6th St - street, Hot Springs - city, SD - state, 57747 - zip)
- date - date of move in text format Y-m-d
If everything good should obtain response: {"response":"success"}
Need some help?
We all do sometimes; code is not hard, but if you need help just email us